Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Was LaVoy Finicum’s Death Planned by the FBI?

Captured shot of roadblock from released FBI video. It shows Finicum 
(green circle) just after being allegedly shot with foam bullet by FBI agent
(red circle) fleeing to hide his or her involvement in order to create the 
perception that Finicum was going for his gun instead of involuntarily 
reacting to reach for the foam bullet wound. FBI agent in orange circle 
shot and killed Finicum seconds later after the foam bullet shooter was
hidden behind one of the blockade vehicles. See forensic video..

It’s been awhile since I have posted on my blog. I have been working on the Democrat AGs’ efforts to deny so-called “climate deniers” of their Constitutional rights by bringing RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) charges against them. The results will be a feature article in Range magazine in early November. Then I was asked to provide expert testimony in the United States v Ammon Bundy, et al. so-called criminal case in which Bundy and others were alleged to illegally occupy the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Harney County Oregon. During this time LaVoy Finicum was killed by the FBI. I recommend the reader view a thought provoking video revealing forensic evidence that Finicum’s death may have actually been planned by the FBI.

Michael Coffman, Ph.D. 

Background of the Hammond Arrests and Prison Sentencing

After suffering decades on unbelievable abuse by the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Dwight (father) and Steven (son) Hammond were charged with terrorism by arson in 2011 under the 1996 Antiterrorism Act. The reason: setting a backfire to protect their home and winter range for their cattle from being destroyed by fires started by lightning strikes, and the customary burning of grass to stimulate its growth—a custom going back hundreds of years. In June, 2012, they were convicted. Dwight was sentenced for three months and Steven a year in prison.

After being released, the BLM filed a court case in pure vindictiveness, demanding that these “terrorists” serve the full five years minimum prison terms. The Hammonds are both back in federal prison. (For more on this unbelievable story, click here) Seeing this injustice, Ammon Bundy, LaVoy Finicum and a group of his colleagues traveled to and occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in support of the Hammonds. That’s where I pick up the story that I summarize below.

Summary of the Occupancy Timeline of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge

On January 2, 2016 armed individuals took possession of the headquarters Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Harney County Oregon allegedly led by Ammon Bundy. Bundy repeatedly stated that the purpose of the occupation was to help the Hammonds by establishing Adverse Possession of the Refuge. Adverse possession occurs when an individual or a group occupies property allegedly belonging to others, claiming that the property belongs to the occupying group or individual. Most readers will probably believe that this must be illegal. It is not. Literally multiple dozens of court cases affirm that it is legal. More on this in my next blog. (To read a comprehensive discussion of this and other legal arguments of the Bundy case, read the White Paper written by Dr. Angus McIntosh and myself (here)[1] that is now in evidence in the trial.)

Again, dozens of court cases affirmed that all the federal government had to do was to file a claim in civil court and show evidence of their ownership. Once their legal ownership was established, Ammon and crew would have had to abandon their claim of adverse possession and leave the refuge peacefully. That is not what the federal government did, however. Instead, in an apparent effort to establish their absolute authority, they brought in armed federal and hired agents to intimidate and force Bundy’s group into submission. Like Ruby Ridge and Waco, that action resulted in tragedy.
On January 26 Robert "LaVoy" Finicum was shot and killed while allegedly avoiding arrest by the Oregon State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Finicum and others were traveling to attend a public meeting with the sheriff in a neighboring county when roadblocks forced their vehicle off the road into deep snow. This was all videotaped with no sound by the FBI from a helicopter. Law enforcement claims Finicum, who was leaving his car and traversing snow up to his knees with hands up, was charging the FBI and State Police while reaching for a handgun in his jacket. He was then shot three times and killed by an unnamed agent.

A later federal investigation found the shooting was justified. However, unknown by the FBI and State Police at the time, a separate video with sound was being taken inside the crew cab pickup. When the two videos were synchronized, it allowed a separate detailed but anonymous forensic analysis that provides compelling evidence that the FBI actually murdered Finicum. The forensic evidence showed that the FBI and State Police actually set up the roadblock for the sole purpose of forcing Finicum to appear to charge the FBI, thereby justifying their murdering him. This stunning forensic analysis of the videos can be viewed here.[2] Is this forensic analysis correct? It seems to be.

Without the forensic analysis the sequence of events seem to be disjointed, even chaotic. With the step by step forensic evidence it showed a pre-planned, well-coordinated strategy to set up and murder not only LaVoy but everyone in the pickup. What was disjointed before comes into sharp focus in the forensic analysis. After viewing the forensic evidence, former Washington DC prosecuting attorney, Fred Kelly Grant wrote “AS AN OLD, CURMUDEONLY, DISTRUSTING PROSECUTING ATTORNEY I WOULD CHARGE THAT LAVOY FINICUM WAS MURDERED IN THE FIRST DEGREE WITH PREMEDITATION AND DELIBERATION. (Emphasis original) Grant went on to say “On the basis of the video, as a prosecutor, I would file first degree, premeditated murder charges against officers who shot the deadly shots and at least accomplice before the fact against the officer who fired the foam bullet that caused Finicum to put his hands to the left of his chest.” Fred Kelly Grant is a personal friend of this author’s and I have never heard him exaggerate. The evidence is that compelling.

Following Finicum’s death most of the other occupiers withdrew from the refuge. By January 28 only four occupiers remained. The remaining occupiers peacefully surrendered to authorities on February 11. Over two dozen occupiers have been charged with federal offenses including conspiracy to obstruct federal officers, firearms violations, theft, and depredation of federal property. As of August 15, twelve have pleaded guilty, while others are awaiting trial, including Ammon Bundy. Yet, according to the in-depth analysis by Dr. Angus McIntosh and me, the FBI had no legal jurisdiction to do anything they did, and the U.S. Ninth District Court had no jurisdiction to charge and try the 24 defendants, nine of which are now on trial. More on this in my next blog.

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