The elderly suffer the most from the high cost of green electricity. Source: Unknown
For years I have
been warning that Europe’s carbon reduction is going to result in an unmitigated
disaster. That day has come. The death toll is skyrocketing in Europe.
Forty thousand elderly and poor actually died in 2014, at least half because
their power was turned off or they just kept their homes cold because they
couldn’t afford the electricity. The culprit; energy poverty. Energy
poverty is created when the cost of energy exceeds 10 percent of the
household income for heat alone. That doesn’t include lights, refrigerator,
washer and dryer, dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, television, computer, or anything
else–just home heating, just in the months when it’s required. That has forced many
of the poor and elderly have to decide whether to eat or be warm.
Dame Sally Davies, England’s Department of Health’s chief medical officer,
said “Excess deaths are not just deaths of those who would have died anyway in
the next few weeks or months due to illness or old age. There is strong
evidence some of these deaths are indeed “extra” and are related to cold
temperatures, living in cold homes as well as infectious diseases such as
Germany’s Focus
wrote: “In 2014 Europe suffered about 40,000
winter deaths because millions of people were unable to pay for their electric
bills – the so-called energy poverty currently impacts about ten percent
of all Europeans. In the past 8 years the price of electricity in
Europe has climbed by an average of 42 percent.” (bold original) In Bulgaria
people see half of their income gobbled up by energy costs alone. In Spain 28
percent of the citizens live in “energy poverty”. In Germany 7 million
households are considered to be living in “energy poverty”.
A comparison of electricity costs from developed nations worldwide. Note that the US has the lowest rate in this comparison, which should make it highly competitive. However, China subsidizes its heavy industry making it the largest steel and aluminum manufacture in the world.
Overall, Focus
reports that ten percent of Europe now lives in energy poverty. Environmentalists
have made coal and nuclear power into evil words in Europe, just as they have
in the US. In Germany, however, Chancellor Angela Merkel was pressured
by environmentalists to shutter all nuclear plants following the Fukushima
meltdown in Japan. At the time 35 percent of German power came from these
nuclear plants. By 2016 it had been slashed to about 14 percent. It will be
phased out entirely by 2022. Energy
is becoming a luxury in Europe.
The production of green energy is grossly
inefficient. The Internet news source Handelblatt
notes that “The inefficiency is shocking: the renewable energy produced
by €25 billion ($28.5 billion) in electricity-bill surcharges this year will
only be worth €3.6 billion ($4.3 billion) on the market, according to the
economics ministry.” That means people and companies will be charged €25
billion ($28.5 billion) in electrical surcharges that would only cost €3.6
billion ($4.3 billion) using fossil fuels and nuclear. Because of the
incredible inefficiency of green power, E.ON and RWE, German’s biggest
electrical producers, have to keep their fossil fuel and nuclear power plants
going to instantly fill in the loss of green power when the sun goes behind a
cloud or the wind stops blowing. Environmentalists know this, but they don’t
care as long as they get their coveted green energy.
The transition to green energy has been devastating. Handelblatt
reports that 32,000 jobs have been lost in just two utilities; E.ON and RWE.
Thousands more have been lost in the supply chain. Together, both companies
have lost 76 percent of their stock value. Of course, local communities supporting
the utilities have also been decimated. All at the holy alter of green energy.

The catastrophe has
not been confined to Germany and mainland Europe. England
suffered a major shock when England’s largest steel producer, Tata Steel,
announced it was selling its entire production facility in Port Talbot. While
the lousy economy and cheap Chinese steel account for some of the losses the
company faces, the increased electricity costs also plays a big role. The
increase in electricity tariffs and alternative energy charges for energy
intensive industries is now £390 million ($555 million) annually and climbing.
These energy intensive
industries provide about 600,000 jobs and £52 billion ($74 billion) to England’s
economy. England’s Department for Business, Innovation and Skills is working to
provide its energy intensive industry an exemption from tariffs and add-on
energy renewable costs. So far no plan as to how to make up the economic losses
to the government by the exemption has been revealed.
That, however, may
be the least of the government’s concerns. There has been a quiet, but steady
investment migration of industry from Europe to other nations like the US where
energy is still cheap. The loss of industry will eventually gut the economy of
Europe. But the socialists and greenies in Europe really do believe that green
energy will eventually pay for itself, ushering in an era of utopia. Additionally,
if the huge death toll of the elderly and poor continues because of energy
poverty, the current government may be the victim of a voter revolt.
are not the friend of people. They suffer from some sort of psychosis that
blinds them to the enormous destruction they are causing. It is becoming
obvious to anyone who has eyes. What they are doing is utterly evil. The
enormous political clout they have in the Western World must be neutralized
before they send us back to the dark ages.
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