Saturday, March 26, 2016

NOAA's Climate Data does not support it's doomsday proclamations

Computer models overestimate actual temperatures by 2.5 times
Five-year averaged values of annual mean (1979-2015) global bulk (termed “midtropospheric” or “MT”) temperature as depicted by the average of 102 IPCC CMIP5 climate models (red), the average of 3 satellite datasets (green - UAH, RSS, NOAA) and 4 balloon datasets (blue, NOAA, UKMet, RICH, RAOBCORE).

On February 2, 2016 Dr. John Christy, a leading climate scientist, gave testimony before the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology Committee. In it he presented peer-reviewed research on the datasets used by NOAA. These data don’t support the fear-laden pronouncements of global doom if we don’t stop carbon emissions. It is stunning. You can download the testimony here or by clicking on the graphic above.

Flooding and drought frequency has not increased

Areal fraction of conterminous U.S. under very wet (blue)
or very dry (red) conditions. NOAA/NCEI.
The figure above clearly shows the computer models are grossly over estimating past warming (and therefore future warming) compared to real-world satellite and balloon temperature measurements. The correlation between satellite and balloon data is highly significant with a correlation of 98 percent. The climate model projects a temperature increase of 0.214oC while the much more accurate satellite and balloon measurements only project 0.091oC and 0.079oC respectively. That’s less than 1oC per century, much less (2.5 times less) than NOAA and the UN IPCC claim. Simply stated, the economy breaking solutions offered by president Obama and other leaders around the world are based on false science.    

That’s not all. Christy’s testimony is too long to review in this blog, but two other things stand out. First, as the 2nd figure shows, there has been no significant change in drought and flooding in the past 100 years. If anything, the frequency of drought and floods has declined since the late 1950s when global warming was happening.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, food production has not been affected as is claimed by warming alarmists. Says Christy: It is a simple matter to find documentation of the ever-rising production of grains. One wonders about the Federal Council on Environmental Quality’s allegation that there has been “harm to agriculture” from human-induced climate change because when viewing the total growth in production, which appears to be accelerating, one would assume no “harm” has been done during a period of rising greenhouse gases.” Enough said for now. Read the entire set of testimonies here. It is worth your time.

Michael Coffman

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